Wednesday 26 January 2011

Cartoon Box

something that i am currently working on, it is a cartoon shoe box, it isn't finished yet, once created i want to make a 3D animation version of it

Quick sketch of website layout

just a quick sketch of what the layout of the website im going to create, will be changing and adding to it as i think of more ideas, 

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Looking at other websites
Currently im looking into other websites and look at ideas that i can follow to my own website. I have been looking at the Nike website and i thought it was quite good as it was quite divided into different parts clearly for example at the bottom of the home page there are 9 hotspot to click on and it is a quite simple interface which is what i am also aiming for as people wont struggle using the website and then more likely to stay on the website for longer and also enjoy the experience of the website more.

John Coltrane

I made this as John Coltrane is someone i highly admire, listening to his music truly inspires me and gets me thinking about new ideas. when i was making this i was listening to John Coltrane - My Little Brown Book which is one of my favourites