Artefact 1
For my first artefact I created a bedroom. Before I started
anything I researched into bedrooms by searching online and observing real life
of today and wanted to incorporate something different into my design. When
researching I came across lighting panels in bedrooms and decided to put this
into my design. When creating this artefact I looked at the usual things that
you would find in a bedroom such as beds, desks, and computers and then
modelled them.
As this artefact was focusing on lighting/key lighting I had
to make sure that this was perfect. I created the lighting setup in this room
by using 1 main key light and then 9 fill lights and to soften the main lights
and one back light which were in the lighting panel. Once I created this
artefact and presented it in front of my focus group made up of virtual environment
students many of them didn’t like the lighting panel and thought the bedroom
would look better with normal lights. I then thought about these comments made
and decided to change the lighting and get rid of the light panel. As I did
this I placed another main light to replace the lighting panel and placed a
canvas where the panel was to give the bedroom more life and character. Another
comment I received was to fill up the room more. I did this by adding a chair
into the bedroom along with a dustbin.
I didn’t want to over fill the bedroom and distract the user
from the main point of the artefact which is the lighting. I created this
artefact to also build the foundation for the rest of my artefacts as I want to
try different experiments in this bedroom and find various results.